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Posted: June 18th, 2010 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, books, editing, Etsy, jewelry, life | 2 Comments »
I’m a puzzle girl. I like putting my brain through its paces, figuring out how something goes together, knowing that there is a solution and if I’m patient enough, it will eventually reveal itself.
Even though I have a Kindle subscription to the Plain Dealer, I still subscribe to the hardcopy Sunday paper so I can get at the two giant crosswords and the sudoku. (Yes, I know you can get those online, too, but it’s just not nearly as satisfying to me to work those online as it is to sit with pen in hand and cat in lap.)
The week past and the one coming, however, are ruled by real-life Tetris. Tetris of the calendar + to-do list kind. On my plate right now are:
A giant proofreading project — giant, I tell you — that’s waiting for query replies from the editor. That whole thing has to be on the way out of here Wednesday, after I hear back from the editor.
A more normal-sized proofreading project, not due for a couple more weeks, but I still don’t want to be stuck rushing on it, so I’m trying to chip away at it a little bit every day.
Show prep for two outdoor shows, one of which is tomorrow and the other next Sunday. Thankfully, I was able to spend all of Tuesday up in the studio and have plenty of stock, but I still need to price the new things, double-check that everything I need is where it should be, and pack the car for a crack of dawn setup tomorrow. This is what I’ll be doing tonight instead of attending the local Etsy Craft Party — which was always kind of a pie-in-the-sky, wish-I-could-be-there-but-yeah-right kind of thing anyway.
E-mail newsletters for myself and for Cleveland Handmade. Nothing too complicated about either, but still time-consuming.
A client meeting in Columbus on Monday to discuss a kind of rush-ish layout project, which is looking to be a bit more involved that I initially thought. I have to do a little OCR experiment today to prep for that, since it looks like there are no files to work from for at least part of the project.
Final preparations for my class reunion, which is three weeks away, and replies to a bunch of e-mails relating to it.
And, the bonus: A super-rush copyediting project from a newish-to-me client I’d like to do a whole lot more for, a book by one of my favorite jewelry artists. Serendipity. The kind of project I’ve been wanting to break into for quite some time now. It dropped in my lap yesterday, and it’s due Tuesday. Yep, four days from now, with two of those days already spoken for. Fortunately, it’s not a long project, and I can find the time that has been budgeted for it if I plan carefully, move some things around, and don’t get too distracted. (Hence the Tetris.)
I know I can make this happen and still maintain my sanity. But well-wishes are still gratefully accepted.
Posted: July 30th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, special | Comments Off on weekend specials
In celebration of my appearance with Jodie of la petite libellule on the Fox 8 morning show’s Kickin’ It with Kenny segment to promote the artists of Cleveland Handmade, I’m offering free U.S. shipping in my Etsy shop starting now and going through midnight Sunday, August 2.
Bonus: If in the “notes to seller” box during checkout you say something about how the camera really SUBTRACTS 15 pounds, I’ll give you a 15% discount on anything in my Etsy shop, including custom orders.
Just check out and pay as you normally would, and I’ll issue a Paypal refund for the discount (klunky, I know, but there’s no easy way to change prices and shipping costs en masse on Etsy).
You can see offers from other Cleveland Handmade members on this Etsy forum thread.
Posted: May 22nd, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, editing, Etsy, jewelry, life | 2 Comments »
Oddmall two weekends ago was a bit of a bust for me, although I did meet some great people and take a few custom orders, so it wasn’t a total loss. But I ended up with a lot of inventory that I had planned on moving along. It’s been hanging out in my cases waiting to be photographed and listed, but today is the first day I’ve really had time to make progress on that. I’ve got about half the photos done, and hope to list a couple of things over the next few days before hitting it pretty hard next week.
Part of what’s taken up my time was a slew of custom orders, one of which was a big wholesale order. See? Lots of little domes:

Nearly 100 in all.
In addition, I got some great new lowercase stamps and have been busy doing custom name pendants using these beautiful new stamps. I’ve ordered another set in a different alphabet, too, and those should be in next week. Lots of whacking with hammers going on around here these days!
Other than that, I’ve been working on a few editing projects and doing some serious gardening work. And trying to figure out how to cram more hours into a day.
Posted: February 9th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | 1 Comment »
Teresa of SliverMade Studio is this week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist. Read her interview here.
Posted: January 26th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | 1 Comment »
Cindy Benson of Simple Elements Design is this week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist. Read my interview with her here.
Posted: January 19th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | Comments Off on Cleveland Handmade featured artist:
Jodie Pastor
Jodie Pastor of Lake Erie Beach Glass is this week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist. Read my interview with her here.

Posted: January 12th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | Comments Off on Cleveland Handmade featured artist:
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Colleen Fitzpatrick is this week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist. Read my interview with her here.

Posted: January 5th, 2009 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | Comments Off on Cleveland Handmade Featured Artist:
Gina DeSantis
This week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist is Gina DeSantis. Read my interview with her here.

Posted: December 29th, 2008 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | Comments Off on Cleveland Handmade featured artist:
Erika Laine Hansen
This week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist is the lovely Erika Laine Hansen. Read all about her and her work here.

Posted: December 22nd, 2008 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: art, Cleveland Handmade, Etsy, featured artist | Comments Off on Cleveland Handmade featured artist:
Rob Merwath
Meet Rob Merwath, this week’s Cleveland Handmade featured artist.