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blogging without obligation

Posted: June 25th, 2007 | Author: | Filed under: life, reality check | 1 Comment »

Today I have had the luxury of following artistic breadcrumbs across the web for much of the afternoon, discovering new inspirations and connections and filling my creative reservoir. On my journey, I found a succinct and sane little piece about blogging without obligation at, which in part says:

Because its okay to just say what you have to say. If that makes for a long post, fine. Short post, fine. Frequent post, fine. Infrequent post, fine.

I, too, have stuggled with feeling the obligation to post without really having anything to say and have been guilty of starting many dozens of posts over the years with an apology for not posting and a promise to “do better.” No more. I have enough other stuff to stress about, so I’m happy to add the little bwo link down at the bottom of the sidebar.